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2. Sultan Café & Grill
After 2020, lots of us hoped this year would end up being a saner, more sedate affair. Surprise!
By San Antonio Current Staff | December 23, 2021
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Social media users are expressing concern about a toy called "My First Hookah" that has appeared in several Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts leading up to Christmas.
The baby-blue box, which shows a toddler and a young child excitedly blowing through a plastic hose, says the toy
A push to outlaw the sale of flavored smoking products in Denver has drawn Big Tobacco, mom-and-pop vape shops, hookah lounges, health care providers and social justice advocates into a fight over public health, business rights and the freedom of choice.
The proposal under consideration
Check out just a few of our favorite releases from this week below.
As the holiday season hits its stride, take a moment to celebrate some of your favorite queer artists by listening to their latest music. Billboard Pride is here to help with First Out, our weekly roundup of some of
The Tallahassee Police Department arrested a man in connection with the deadly weekend shooting that left one man dead and another injured.
Terrance Grice, 29, was charged with first degree murder, attempted homicide and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
Officers wat
For the last 15-20 years, shisha has become fashionable in certain circles. Popular with young people, the process of consuming it encourages socializing and invites conversation, an interlude suspended in time, a break from our ultra tech-focused and individualistic society where everything m
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Stündenglass is best known for its canny reinvention of the gravity bong as a minimalist hookah. The flagship device's 360° rotating twin chambers, contactless mouthpiece, and sleek housing low
Chlöe Bailey gave up her first solo single "Have Mercy". Bailey is called half of Chloe x Halle with her sister, and she also shared a video of the song. The visually impressive choreography plus guest appearances from rap singer Bree Runway, actors Rome Flynn and Tina Knowles. Chec